Undiagnosed Celiac Disease Almost Killed Me – Robin’s Story

Robin is a colleague of mine that I met through LinkedIn.  We started chatting over beauty products, she was one of the winners of my, Win Gluten Freedom from Dr. Fasano, contest and after starting his book she emailed me this message,

“I just read the exhaustive list of symptoms of Celiac Disease. I cried. I have so so many of them it seriously isn’t funny. I wish a lot of things right now, have a lot of regrets and wonders. But mostly I am sad for me and for tons of other people out there who like me just thought they were difficult or overly com-plaintive about how we feel physically. That book is so good and honestly I have barely begun it. Thank you for the book, your efforts to educate and sharing your time with me.”

I wanted her to share her story with my readers.  I have tried a few of her products and do really enjoy the softness of the face and eye creams. I haven’t tried the detox because I haven’t needed to, but I am a huge supporter of doing some type of detox in the first 30 days of healing and have heard praises about the Arbonne detox from many people.I also like their fizzy energy and probiotic powder and their detox tea.

Here is Robin Swenson’s story and what helped her….




My name is Robin Swenson, and I will just jump right in to my story.  I was so ill I could not climb my stairs without stopping half way up to wait for the intense burn in my legs to subside and to catch my breath before I could continue. My heart would pound so hard in my chest, I thought I was going to have a heart attack.

At the time, I was 5’7 – 140 lbs, not terribly overweight, but constantly bloated, extremely low on energy and routinely constipated.  Out of nowhere I would get what I call an ‘attack’.  First, I would feel sick to my stomach, then the uncontrollable shakes would set in, followed by body weakness and extreme exhaustion. After an ‘attack’ occurred, my bowel movements would last for about 4 hours and the next day I felt like I had been run over by a train. 

For years I thought I had a flu virus that just wouldn’t go away or food poisoning because the sickness kept cycling. I fell into a deep into depression after multiple tests came up negative and doctor’s did not seem to be able to help me.


I was finally diagnosed with IBS and a heart arrhythmia, that was supposed to be corrected by a 5 hour surgery the doctors suggested, but was not. I was then diagnosed with Adenomyosis and had to have a hysterectomy.  GERD was diagnosed next, gastroesophageal reflux disease and put on Prilosec for years. I also had low Vitamin B12, which I had to get weekly injections to build up and I now get them monthly.  

All these issues were caused by malabsorption, which is common to Celiac Disease, the one thing they never tested me for, but truly believe I have and is the root of where all these other diseases sprang from.  Both of my parents had heart disease, lung cancer and my dad had two feet of his colon removed.  They have since both passed away from cancer and heart attack.  It is my belief that they might have suffered from celiac as well.

No More Doctors Please

I finally had given up on the doctors help and started seeing a naturopath and for the first time in my life I felt like a doctor cared, she showed me that there was a fixable solution to all my problems.

Right after I started with her, I was introduced to Arbonne products and their 30 day detox.  I showed the ingredients to my naturopath and she encouraged me to do the detox, believing it would help a great deal.



She was right, within two weeks of the detox my mental fog dissipated and heart palpitations stopped.  My bloating went down, no longer did I look pregnant and have that embarrassing foul gas or the constant headache I had every day for years. My energy was soared! Not only could I climb the stairs, clean the house and wash the car, I was going up and down the stairs without having to stop; I had re-emerged into the land of the living.

Arbonne’s detox was giving me my life back and I made a to promise to myself that if I continued to feel better by the end, I was going to sell this stuff. I wanted to help people like me and shout from the rooftops that they didn’t need to suffer anymore, relief was here; and that is exactly what happened.

Still Symptomatic

As I continued drinking the shakes without the ‘detox’ routine, I found I was still slightly symptomatic and decided to use all the Arbonne products: RE9 skincare system, shampoo, body washes, lotions, toothpaste, deodorant, food, supplements and skincare; if I was going to sell this stuff, I wanted to experience it all firsthand.  To my complete surprise, all of my symptoms completely disappeared soon after.

Turns out, there had been an overwhelming amount of gluten in the personal care products I was using to keep my symptomatic. I was completely blown away!

When I went back to see my Cardiologist after 3 months, he was surprised at how my test results has changed so dramatically for the better. Before Arbonne, my blood pressure would drop from a laying down, to sitting up, to a standing position and he was really worried about my heart; no heart disease, yet very symptomatic and bad test results. 

This time around though, my tests were completely the opposite and he asked me what I had been doing differently.  I told him I had done the Arbonne detox. He was so amazed he became my first client and lost 30 lbs. He finally was able to water ski with his kids again several times a week.  He told me to go home and tell my husband that I had saved his life. Imagine that, I saved my doctors life.


Arbonne prides itself on our motto, Pure, Safe, Beneficial. They are a ‘true to their word’ company and consistent in all their products. In fact, they go beyond the 20 ppm standard the USA claims is safe for people with Celiac disease and test at ZERO. They start with zero and re-test after formulation and have to have a ZERO detectable amount. No one else does that.  I am healthy today because of it.

They promise to formulate without, are you ready for this?

animal products or by-products/ paragons/ formaldehyde-donating preservatives/ phthalates/ formaldehyde/ alkyl phenols/ benzene/ triethanolamine/ monoethanolamine/ phosphates/ polyethylene glycol/ petrolatum/ bisphenol-A/ gluten/ synthetic dyes/ triclosan/ hydroquinone/ artificial colors/ artificial sweeteners/ artificial flavors/ cholesterol/ trans fats.

Let Me Help You

I enjoy talking to people one on one to teach you about the program and discuss concerns regarding your health.  I offer assistance in any way possible to help with your success, a personal coach you communicate with in which ever way is most convenient; phone, text or email.

Well, that is my crazy story, which I believe could have been prevented if at an early age I would have gotten a correct celiac disease diagnosis, it might have even saved my parents. My hope is to reach as many people as I can to improve their quality of life in every way. It may not be for everyone but it certainly impacted my life and I will be forever grateful!

For More info on Robin Swenson, District Manager with Arbonne International  or info on her products, please go to:

or email her jrswenson@frontier.com

Arbonne Independent Consultant
ID #12567584 (if using Arbonne.com)

Tags: arbonne, CELIAC DISEASE, detox, Gluten Free, Health Today

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I was diagnosed w/ Celiac disease in 2010, after 7 agonizing years of misdiagnosis. Once I started living gluten free I felt 100% better than I did, but something was still amiss. Giving up gluten was only the beginning of my long journey to gut health and healing.

Everyone is different, there’s not one lifestyle that can work for everyone. Living the gluten free lifestyle is not an easy one and can be very overwhelming: from grocery shopping and social events, to deglutening your own household. I

Let me help you navigate through the gluten-free maze more seamlessly with tips, tricks, humor, healthy recipes and more.

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